Disciplemaking in Heart Language and Culture
When Pastor Melvin needed help with disciplemaking, Alex Mata came alongside to show him how to disciple in heart language and culture.… Continue Reading
Learning About Jesus With Family from Around the World
ISM at Vanderbilt University is reaching international students for the Gospel by building deep friendships through their I-FAM program.… Continue Reading
New Life and New Year’s Traditions
After giving his life to Christ, Lui saw the love of Christ transform his family. The new life in him has led to new traditions.… Continue Reading
The Gift of Connection and Sweet Conversations
When Margaret and Jessica asked to join two Arab women at their table, they never imagined how God would bless their conversation.… Continue Reading
Redefining Evangelism
Doug Nuenke shares his advice and encouragement in light of recent research about how adults respond to evangelism.… Continue Reading
Bible Study Helps Us Do Life Together
Alice Byram served at the U.S. Navigators headquarters in Colorado Springs for a dozen years and as director of women’s ministries.… Continue Reading
The Power of Backstory: What the Olympics Is Teaching Me About Sharing Jesus
The backstories of Olympic athletes make the competition compelling even for non-sports fans. Your faith story can have a similar effect.… Continue Reading
Leonard Sweet on How Our Heritage Shapes Our Story
The various patterns established during our first 18 years of life are the long fuse of faith and ultimately define our trajectory for life.… Continue Reading
3 Things to Keep in Mind During an Election Year
During an election year, let’s work hard at not letting our politics eclipse our loyalty to Christ and to His Kingdom.… Continue Reading
Black History Month: Why Every American—and Every Navigator—Should Care
To see a vital movement of the Gospel we must secure relational networks by listening to one another and engaging in the stories of other … Continue Reading