Intentional Discipleship Thrives Despite COVID-19
Henry and Jacqueline Bouma share life and Jesus online, holding Bible studies and growing generations of disciples among young adults.… Continue Reading
Fruitful Partnerships Advance the Gospel
Navigators in the Philippines and around the world have a strong basis of local trust and connection so they can continue to empower people.… Continue Reading
Unshakeable Joy
The turmoil and uncertainty of the past several weeks have made us all feel fragile, yet Scripture invites us to a stability of soul.… Continue Reading
Life-to-Life Disciplemaking Continues to Grow Online
Life-to-Life® discipleship in the midst of physical distancing is par for the course for the Navigators Military ministry.… Continue Reading
Loving Our Neighbors When We Are All At Home
John & Stephanie Winder of Navigators Neighbors share how they are ministering to others (safely) at home during this time.… Continue Reading
The Gospel is Unstoppable: AFAM Conference Recap
Upon making the decision to cancel AFAM 2020 in Chicago, the team came together and developed an online event in less than 24 hours.… Continue Reading
A Message from U.S. Navigators President, Doug Nuenke
How do we make it through days like this? How do we fully live into these unprecedented times as believers and hopeful carriers of the … Continue Reading
Campus Ministry, For the First Time With No Campus
While campuses are shutting down due to the coronavirus, the Navigators at NYU are leaning into community and "virtual" ministry.… Continue Reading
Inside the Heart of Law Enforcement: Jesus Offers Real Hope
With the help of the Navigators First Responder Ministry in Oregon, a group of first responders see their lives transformed in Christ.… Continue Reading
Family Reconciliation: Good News Lived Out in Kenya
Rebekah's family was ravaged by conflict, disownment, hatred, and jealousy. But her faith, along with God's grace, restored their ties.… Continue Reading