Category: Disciplemaking

True Success

What does true “success” look like in a collegiate ministry? Is a successful ministry best measured by the number of students involved … Continue Reading
Freedom from Sexual Brokenness

Freedom from Sexual Brokenness

Sexual brokenness is all around you. Dozens—probably even hundreds—of people you know are held captive in sin. But there is hope in the … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

The Power of the Spoken Word

What would cause a village elder from a different religion to present his grandson for training in the way of Jesus? For the man in this … Continue Reading

Reaching the Hispanic Community

A Lifetime Commitment to Evangelism and Discipleship Armando and Liset Diaz are committed to a lifetime of laboring among the Hispanic … Continue Reading

Reaching the Workplace

Billy Graham once said that he believed one of the next great movements of God would come through believers in the workplace. That’s not … Continue Reading
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