Seeking God During Deployments
My first deployment at sea aboard a Navy ship was tough. I thought I had enough spiritual “momentum” built up going into it to sustain … Continue Reading
Persevering Prayer Reveals God’s Generosity
Our heavenly Father is a God who hears, a God who brings justice, not one who is indifferent and needing to be pestered!… Continue Reading
Christmas Hope: Our Inrushing Rescuer
Video Message Transcript Friends, it has been quite a year, hasn’t it? A global pandemic, surging awareness and activism in racial … Continue Reading
Help! My Bible is Alive! 30 Days of Learning to Love and Understand God’s Word
Nicole Unice, author of Help! My Bible is Alive!, answers some questions about studying Scripture and how it can "come alive" as we read it.… Continue Reading
Transformation: Discipleship Practices for Everyday Life
How do core spiritual practices transform us? Explore three ways that transformation happens according to scripture.… Continue Reading
Bible Study Helps Us Do Life Together
Alice Byram served at the U.S. Navigators headquarters in Colorado Springs for a dozen years and as director of women’s ministries.… Continue Reading
Can You Help Me Read the Bible?
Our home is bursting at the seams on Tuesday nights with young adults in their 20s who are hungry to deepen their relationship with God. We … Continue Reading
The Long View: The Gospel to the Nations
The journey to faith for Shen and his family took place over many years, but God faithfully provided people to reach them with the Gospel.… Continue Reading
Marriage Survival in the Military
The pressures of life on a military base in another country far from family creates a great need for mentoring in healthy marriage.… Continue Reading
Finding the Best Treasure
Consider a few of the wonderful facets of the good news of Jesus Christ that are each part of the treasure of the gospel.… Continue Reading