We believe that Life-to-Life® discipleship has the potential to transform more lives during this COVID-19 crisis than ever before. Invest spiritually in someone else’s life today, when people are more focused on one-to-one connections than they ever have been.
A Message from Doug Nuenke
U.S. Navigators President
How do we make it through days like this? How do we fully live into these unprecedented times as believers and hopeful carriers of the gospel?
COVID-19 Ministry Stories
Life-to-Life Disciplemaking Continues to Grow Online
Life-to-Life® discipleship in the midst of physical distancing is par for the course for the Navigators Military ministry.
Loving Our Neighbors When We Are All At Home
John & Stephanie Winder of Navigators Neighbors share how they are ministering to others (safely) at home during this time.
Calling Students to Faith Over Fear
When the Navigators Collegiate team at UVA found out their campus had been closed, they stood in faith over fear and turned their focus to God and how to serve others.
Campus Ministry, For the First Time With No Campus
While campuses are shutting down due to the coronavirus, the Navigators at NYU are leaning into community and “virtual” ministry.
Disciplemaking Tools & Encouraging Resources
Free Download: The Message of Hope
As a friend of the Navigators, please enjoy reading more of The Message of Hope, compliments of NavPress and Tyndale (our publishing partner).
Free Phone Wallpapers
Download these free graphics to use as your phone’s wallpaper image. We pray these scriptures will be uplifting and help bring you peace and encouragement during this time.

7 Days of Hope-Filled Promises
Find hope for each day in promises from God’s Word! Pray over these promises, memorize them, and share them with others.
Share God’s Love With Your Neighbors
God has placed you in your neighborhood for a reason, consider how you can show God’s love to your neighbors.
Praying for Nations and Leaders in a Time of Difficulty
Throughout Scripture, we see God’s people turning to Him in times of difficulty to seek assurance and guidance. Reading and studying prayers in the Bible equips us to pray for our country, our world, and our leaders.
Practicing God’s Presence in Prayer
Prepare your mind and heart to meet God and encounter His presence in your daily time with Him.

Psalms to Counteract Fear & Stress
What can we do with our fears when we face a crisis? After reading many newsfeed articles that drain us, these verses from the Psalms can fill us up. They provide profound perspective and real hope!
Quarantine Soul Care Resources from NavPress
A series of encouraging blog posts highlighting the vast and rich archives of NavPress publications with words of encouragement for you over the next several weeks.
Praying Over God’s Promises
Be strong and courageous. In times of distress turn to God in prayer and ask Him to fulfill His promises to His people. This resource, adapted from the book Praying Over God’s Promises by Tom Yeakley, gives insight on how to approach prayer on God’s promises and verses from scripture to pray over.