Investing in People through Life-on-Life Discipleship

I remember a conversation with Lorne Sanny, president of The Navigators from 1956-1986, regarding the significance of investing in life-on-life ministry. He talked about a high school Bible study group he led. Ralph, Charlie, Ed, and Pete were part of that group studying God’s Word and learning about following God from Lorne. Lorne prayed regularly over Isaiah 60:22, “The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”

The young men from this group have impacted generations of disciples: missiologist Ralph Winter founded the U.S. Center for World Missions; Dan Fuller, whose father co-founded Fuller Seminary, became a theologian; Charlie Riggs was responsible for all of the follow-up and counselor training for the Billy Graham Association; Ed McCully and Pete Fleming were martyred along with Jim Elliot while serving the Auca tribe in Ecuador.

As young people experience life-on-life discipleship through Eagle Lake Camps, or any of the arms of The Navigators ministries, God is continuing to raise up generations of laborers who will impact the lost. As we pour into people, we do so in faith, knowing that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, through His power.

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