Marriage Survival in the Military

As Susan* and I walked laps on the track, she opened her heart and shared the discouragement and distress in her marriage. I offered thoughts on areas that my husband and I had struggled with and steps we had taken to grow in our marriage. I prayed for her. Before we parted, I suggested the four of us meet as couples to offer tools for growth.

Healthy marriages require a lot of work and commitment in 
any setting. The additional pressures of life on a military base in another country far from family creates a great need for mentoring in healthy marriage.

When Susan and Ed* agreed to meet and work on their marriage, we bathed the time in prayer and opened the Word together, looking at Bible verses that speak to relationships done God’s way.

They realized that love didn’t characterize the “truth” they pointed out to one another. They hadn’t been filtering what came out of their mouths with the fine-tuning of Ephesians 4:29: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Over time, God’s Word motivated Susan and Ed to want to be quick to discuss issues, to forgive, and avoid bitterness. How beautiful to see the change of heart that began to take place!

In our work with couples and singles in the military community, we see how the power of sharing the truth of Scripture can transform lives. In addition to meeting with individuals and couples, we oversee several small groups that use The 2:7 Series® by NavPress. These leaders and participants will continue to use this discipleship resource, here in Germany, or wherever they are reassigned to bases and posts all around the world. We are blessed to be utilized by God in encouraging couples to step one step closer to each other and to God.

How can you be praying? Please pray for military couples as they walk through the ups and downs of serving in the military and balancing service to their country and their family.

*Names changed.

Learn more about the Navigators Military ministry.

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