Navigators iEDGE: International Campus Internships

For two years, iEDGErs join a team of other recent college grads alongside experienced long-term in-country Navigators. Their teams serve primarily on college campuses but iEDGE offers other opportunities to serve in different contexts. The iEDGE teams initiate relationships across cultures and plant the gospel deep in people’s hearts, growing in character, vision, and practical experience in disciplemaking ministry.

“Investing two years in Central Asia was the most growing thing that I have ever done. Through my time I developed a deeper understanding of the gifts that God has given me. I grew so much in my understanding of the world as well as how to reach people from different cultures and religions. It was such a great opportunity to partner with a team that is reaching many people who have never heard the gospel before!”

J.T., iEDGEr, Central Asia

Navigators on iEDGE teams all know that ministering in a new culture will be hard. They also know it will be an adventure and that Jesus and the nations He loves are worth it.