Navigators Missional Enterprise

Navigators Missional Enterprise is the business-as-mission ministry of the U.S. Navigators. These Navigators leaders catalyze, develop, and resource business owners and entrepreneurs, who are disciples of Christ, to launch and scale Triple Bottom Line businesses in the U.S. and in hard-to-reach places around the world.

Triple Bottom Line Business

Triple Bottom Line Illustration

A Navigator Missional Enterprise strives to have Kingdom values permeate all dimensions of the enterprise, while pursuing and holding in creative tension the priorities of our Triple Bottom Line. For example, the way we treat our employees, compensation policies, access to health care, accounting practices, quality and excellence in which we deliver our goods and services. It is crucial to have Kingdom values in every enterprise.

A missional enterprise positively affects the local economy, brings justice, provides employment, shapes education, combats disease, protects children, preserves the environment, or has any number of other creative expressions that demonstrate the holistic nature of the Gospel in a community. Ultimately, the local community needs to realize the missional enterprise is “for us” regardless of how it deploys resources into the broader community. A missional enterprise blesses the community in which it is located.

Most citizens in our adopted country belong to a religion that is hostile to the gospel. The people around us have grown up hearing all kinds of untruths about Jesus. Their hearts tend to be resolutely closed to following Him. What a privilege and honor it has been to rub shoulders at work, day in and day out with people who would not or could not set foot in a church building.

God is teaching us that the only metric for success in the business world, or any other sphere, is love. We take the time to treat each person as valued and deeply loved by God.

– Missional business director in a country closed to traditional missionaries

Wherever Navigator missional businesses and non-profits operate, they can get help toward their triple bottom line: make a profit, make disciples, make a difference.