Navigators Workplace

People in the Navigators Workplace ministry are all about transforming workers, renewing workplaces, and restoring the biblical view of work, all to reach the world for Christ.

“Throughout the Bible we see God using people through their jobs and in their workplaces: Joseph, Esther, Daniel, Ruth, Paul, Priscilla and Aquila, and many more. It’s been said the workplace is where the majority of Christians spend the majority of their time interacting with the majority of the unchurched world. As Navigators, we want to come alongside men and women in the workplace, to help them experience that God wants to bless them and use them right where they are, in their jobs and in their workplaces.”

Rob Mahon, Navigators Disciplemakers for Life

Navigators Workplace equips and empowers disciples of Jesus to engage with their coworkers and explore the gospel with them. These Navigators long to see believers move from merely working for a paycheck to being used by God to make a transformative difference at work.