Thank you, Friend… your eBook is on its way!

Thanks for your interest in receiving “Fight on Your Knees: Prayers for Spiritual Warfare.” You will receive it via email shortly. We hope it blesses you and enriches your prayer life.

Here’s a little secret about why we’re giving this eBook away to you, absolutely free of charge: the way you engage in spiritual warfare is an example to those around you who are watching. Your dependence on Jesus as you fight your battles is a strong witness to others who are facing difficulty as well.

The Navigators are dedicated to helping people draw closer to Jesus Christ through discipleship tools like this one. If you share in our passion for strengthening God’s people and helping them to make disciples, we invite you to participate in the work God is doing through The Navigators.

If you think about how many people each believer encounters every day, you can realize the opportunity we have if we are active prayer warriors who live out what we believe. 

Since you have shown personal interest in enriching your own prayer life, would you prayerfully consider passing this gift forward to bless more people who need encouragement by giving a generous gift today? Not only will your gift help fellow believers fight their spiritual battles, but you’ll give them the ability to pass this spiritual discipline on to others who don’t know Jesus.

Thank you for giving people the tools to surrender their battles to the Lord!