Thank you, Friend… your Bible reading plan is on its way!

Your Bible reading plan is headed your way – please check your email inbox. Our hope for you this year is a growing love of Scripture and a deeper relationship with God. As you read God’s Word pray for ways that you can share encouraging truth with those He places in your life.

At The Navigators we are dedicated to developing disciples around the globe. We aim to both make Jesus known and help those who already know Him to grow in their relationship. The Bible is one of the biggest parts of that growth, and we have a deep passion for making the Bible accessible to everyone everywhere.

We know you care about both being a good disciple and helping others grow as well. So we want to invite you to join us in the work of taking the gospel everywhere it’s needed—in cities, countrysides, colleges, communities, and countries far away from our own.

Would you prayerfully consider giving a generous gift to help The Navigators reach more people with the truth of Scripture? Your gift will help…

  • To grow disciples who are engaged with and obedient to the Word of God, believing His promises and living out His love to the word.
  • To equip ordinary people who live fruitful lives, spreading the gospel from life to life, family to family.
  • To cross cultures and equip believers across the globe to proclaim and live out the gospel in their own lives and communities.

Thank you for your commitment to seeing Jesus’s disciples grow both here and around the world!