12 Prayers for Christmas

Use these 12 powerful prayers for Christmas to help you focus on the true meaning of this season. Share these with a friend or small group and spend time praying them together as you anticipate your Christmas celebration.

Often, the fast-paced time and space to connect with God through prayer is difficult. Use these 12 powerful prayers for Christmas to help you slow down and focus on the true meaning of this season—the celebration of Christ’s birth. Share these with a friend or small group and spend time praying them together as you anticipate your Christmas celebration.

Prayers for Christmas – Focused on Advent

1. Love

Lord, help us follow the way of love—let the love of Christ compel us.
1 Corinthians 14:1; 2 Corinthians 5:14

2. Joy

Restore the joy of Your salvation to us; let us experience the joy of Your presence.
Psalm 16:11; Psalm 51:12

3. Peace

Let Your peace rule and guard our hearts; give us more of You, Jesus—You are our peace.
Ephesians 2:14; Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15

4. Hope

Enlighten the eyes of our heart so that we may know the hope You called us to.
Ephesians 1:18

Prayers for Christmas – Focused on God’s Sovereignty and Grace

5. Favor

Let Your favor rest on us.
Luke 2:52

6. Life

Shine Your light of life on us; help us to walk in it.
Job 33:30; Psalm 56:13

7. Salvation

Help us to fear You so we can unlock the treasure of Your salvation.
Isaiah 33:6

Prayers for Christmas – Focused on Spiritual Growth

8. Selflessness

Keep us from self-seeking attitudes that reject truth.
Romans 2:8

9. Generosity

Make us rich in ways that result in generosity on our part so You will be praised.
2 Corinthians 9:11

10. Receiving

Help us receive Your kingdom, Your Spirit, and Your grace.
Daniel 7:18; John 20:22; Romans 5:17

Prayers for Christmas – Focused on Worship

11. Seeking

Encourage us to seek Your face with all our hearts.
Deuteronomy 4:29; Psalm 27:8

12. Praise

We ascribe glory to Your name, Lord; we come before You in worship for You are holy.
1 Chronicles 16:28-29

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  1. I very much appreciate your ministry. It grows in ways that do exactly what Jesus Christ wanted for His purpose. To bring Gospel to anyone ready to receive His love. Planting seeds of faith.

  2. Prayer is one of the hardest things to do. Doing a huge mound of holiday dishes, pots & pans is a do-able task with an end goal & satisfaction of a job well done. So is Christmas shopping, or cleaning a bathroom, changing the oil & filter on your car, BUT prayer is difficult, because although it has an end goal (if you believe an invisible God is listening & caring), but how much do I talk God’s ear off? How long do I pray for something and how often. On the hour, every hour? Once a week? Humans tend to feel God’s much too busy for them; He’s got much more important things to do than finding my friend a used car, or my pastor, a discounted air flight to Cancun. And do I use King James English? Can I use slang with God? Should I skip the Father and just talk to the Son. Is it wrong to talk to the Holy Spirit about my stocks & shares falling, or my concern about the leaking pipe in the basement?

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