The 5 R’s: Plan a Daily Appointment with God

Want to spend time with God but not sure where to start? These five R’s offer solid principles to get going. Adapt them to your style.

1 – Refocus

REFOCUS your heart and mind through confession and praise. Before coming into God’s presence, consider any sins to confess. If you’re anxious, quickly record your anxious thoughts on a piece of paper and ask God to help you focus on Him. Review the previous 24 hours and thank Him for His goodness toward you. Be as specific as possible.

2 – Read

READ a passage from the Scriptures. Select a passage ahead of time. You might begin by reading through one of the Gospels, focusing on Jesus. Many like to read a psalm a day or a chapter in Proverbs. A daily reading program, to read the Bible in an entire year, can be a good place to start.

3 – Reflect

REFLECT and think about what you’re reading. Bible meditation helps us get below the surface of the text. Ask some questions of the passage or verse using who, what, why, when, where, how. Spend a few minutes answering some of the questions.

4 – Record

RECORD your discoveries in a small notebook. Ask the Holy Spirit to give a new insight from His Word daily. Record one take-away thought from your time of Bible meditation to reflect on during the day.

5 – Respond

RESPOND to the Father in simple, practical obedience to what you’ve read. Take time to imagine what your life would be like if you applied this new discovery today. Pray over your schedule, committing the day’s events to His glory.

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