Growing in Christ Series

The Growing in Christ Series is a collection of best-selling Navigators Bible studies and Scripture memory cards designed to help both new and growing Christians navigate Scripture and faith.

The Growing in Christ Series features short and simple Bible studies for new and growing Christians covering a range of relevant topics, from assurance of salvation to getting involved with the church to sharing your faith.

Get the Growing in Christ Series to deepen your faith, refresh your soul, and establish a firm foundation for your life.

Beginning with Christ

The Beginning With Christ booklet is designed for new believers and provides a format for telling others about salvation and the Christian life.

Topics include assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance.

Includes Scripture memory cards.

Growing in Christ

Growing in Christ is a 13-week course for new and growing Christians, covering a range of relevant topics, from assurance of salvation to getting involved with the church to sharing your faith. This educational and encouraging resource is designed to help you master the fundamentals of the Christian life and dive deeper into Scripture.

In this small and simple study book, you will find:

  • memory verse cards
  • short devotionals at the beginning of each chapter
  • Bible reading prompts and discussion questions
  • space to journal your thoughts and answers
  • prayer prompts

* Growing in Christ combines the Lessons on Assurance and Lessons on Christian Living studies into one Bible study book.

Lessons on Assurance

Lessons on Assurance is for new Christians, featuring five short topical Bible studies on basic promises God gives to Christians:

  • Assurance of salvation
  • Answered prayer
  • Victory over sin
  • Forgiveness
  • Guidance

Includes Scripture memory cards.

* This booklet is included in the Growing in Christ book.

Lessons on Christian Living

Lessons on Christian Living is for growing Christians, featuring eight short topical Bible studies on learning to recognize the importance of the Bible, the church, good works, witnessing, and more in your daily life.

Includes Scripture memory cards.

* This booklet is included in the Growing in Christ book.

Going On with Christ

The Going On With Christ booklet provides the format for telling others about salvation and the Christian life.

Topics include putting Christ first in your life, relying on the Lordโ€™s strength, the importance of the Bible, and love.

Includes Scripture memory cards.

Purchase from NavPress

The Growing in Christ Series is a best-selling discipleship Bible study series with over 2 million copies sold! Order today on Bulk discounts start with purchases of 10 or more copies.

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