Prayer Tools

Browse our most popular prayer tools, and explore new ways of connecting with God more personally.

Godโ€™s Word instructs us to pray about everything (Philippians 4:6). If you think about prayer as a conversation with God, sometimes you may wonder where to begin and how to understand Godโ€™s reply. Weโ€™re here to help you get the conversation started and provide needed guidance and resources for your prayer life. Before you know it, praying can become as natural as breathing in and out. 

Browse our most popular prayer tools, including free PDF downloads, book excerpts, and even full eBooks. As you explore these prayer resources, strengthen your connection with God and discover more of who He is through your prayer life.

How To Pray: Simple Next Steps

Personal Prayer Time

Intercessory Prayer: How to Pray on Behalf of Others Using Scripture

Fasting and Prayer

NavPress Prayer Resources

How To Pray: Simple Next Steps

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1). If youโ€™re asking the same question, here are a variety of prayer tools that give you simple next steps for how to pray. 

The Prayer Hand: Five Essential Aspects of Prayer

The Prayer Hand illustration is an easy way to remember five essential aspects of prayer: confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. Use this helpful prayer tool in your personal prayer life or share it with a friend.

PRAY: A Guide for Connecting with God

These four aspects of prayer: Pause, Rejoice, Ask, and Yield, are based on the Lordโ€™s Prayer. This acronym tool provides an easy-to-use guide for your prayers, so you can spend more time connecting with God and less about what to say next.

7 Ways to Pray: Time-Tested Practices for Encountering God

Here are seven ways to pray that draw from the deep well of Christian history. These make praying a habit to enjoy in our crazy, bustling, wearying times: 

  1. Praying with the Bible 
  2. Praying through the Bible
  3. Practicing the Presence of God
  4. Hearing God
  5. Praying with Lament
  6. Praying Imaginatively
  7. Praying the Examen

Prayers for Strength: Lifesaving Truths from God

Here are a few of the specific, lifesaving truths from God that will carry you through difficult seasons:

Personal Prayer Time

One of the benefits of being a uniquely crafted masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) is that your personal prayer time with God can be as unique as you are. You may also recognize that the prayers you needed yesterday arenโ€™t the same prayers you need today.

Included below is a variety of prayer tools to refresh your personal prayer time and equip you for those unexpected moments. 

Daily Prayer: Make Prayer a Habit

31 Days of Prayer: A Calendar for Deepening Your Connection with the Lord

Are you looking for a simple next step to focus your prayer life? 31 Days of Prayer is a great resource to start building a daily prayer habit. Grab a friend and together use this prayer calendar for 31 days of deepening your prayer connection with the Lord.

30 Thankful Prayers: A Daily Calendar to Infuse More Thankfulness into Your Life

Not only are we called to give thanks to God in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), but practicing gratitude can be a powerful way to transform your day. 

Use this daily gratitude prayer calendar as a way to infuse more thankfulness into your life. Try writing down those things youโ€™re thankful for along the way and see how these 30 thankful prayers help you focus on whatโ€™s most important. 

Organizing a Prayer Journal: Capturing Glimpses of Godโ€™s Love and Faithfulness

Have you ever wanted to look back and see how God answered your prayers from the past? Prayer journaling is writing out your prayers and collecting them in one place. Use these five steps to organize a prayer journal and get glimpses of Godโ€™s love and faithfulness in your life.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Using Godโ€™s Word to Overcome the Enemy

You may not always feel like youโ€™re in the middle of a battle because the enemy you battle against tries to stay anonymous. This enemy likes to keep you discouraged, doubting, and defeated. Instead of feeling stuck in those places, use this prayer tool, full of spiritual warfare prayers based on Godโ€™s Word, to give you your next victory move.

Intercessory Prayer: How to Pray on Behalf of Others Using Scripture 

Intercessory prayer is when prayer is focused on behalf of others. 

โ€œThe unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simpleโ€ Psalm 119:130 (NIV). 

As we pray Scripture on behalf of others, weโ€™re praying words that give light and understanding for whatever season or circumstance they may be in. 

We see examples of intercessory prayer in Scripture as people prayed for the needs of someone else, whether their physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual needs (Genesis 18:22-33; John 17:6-26; Acts 12:5-19). 

Would you like to pray on behalf of others, but arenโ€™t sure how to get started? Here are some tools you may find helpful.

Effective Prayers for Your Family: A Guide to Incorporating Daily Prayer for Your Loved Ones

Praying for your family is one of the most powerful gifts you could offer them. Here are two tools to give you ideas on how to incorporate prayer for your family throughout your day and specific ways to pray. 

5 Quick and Powerful Ways to Pray for Your Children

Here is one of five ideas for incorporating prayer for your children into your everyday routine.

Drive-through prayer. We have drive-through banks, restaurants, and pharmacies. Why not drive-through prayer? When you drive through your neighborhood, past schools and friendsโ€™ homes, you can pray for kids and their families. My husband would intentionally drive past our childrenโ€™s junior high school, and in the time it took to pass by, he prayed for the school. The time spent praying was less than a minute, but several times a week over the course of the 11 years our kids were there amounted to a lot of prayer.

Praying for Military Families: A Guide to Using Scriptures and Prompts

Use these Scriptures and prayer prompts to pray over your military family or military families you know. 

How to Pray When Youโ€™re Not Sure Where to Start: 4 Simple Steps

Do you want to prayโ€”confidently and effectively? Does spending extended time in prayer ever intimidate you? Hereโ€™s a tool you can use to take the overwhelm out of spending time in prayer. 

Try these four things the next time youโ€™re ready to carve out time for prayer: 

  1. Find a place: away from your home or office where you can be alone and away from distraction. 
  2. Make a plan: Wait on the Lord; pray for others; pray for yourself. 
  3. Mix it up: Incorporate variety into your prayer time.  
  4. Pull it all together: As you finish your prayer time, summarize what God spoke to you about.  

Prayers for Public Schools: 10 Prayers and Corresponding Scriptures

When youโ€™re not sure how to make a difference in the education system in your community, you can always start with prayer. Here are 10 prayers and corresponding Scriptures to get you started in prayer for the public schools in your area and beyond. Consider taking these prayers and combine them with a prayer walk for the schools nearby.

Prayer Walking on College Campuses: 4 Ways to Intercede for Students and Faculty

Do you have a college campus close to where you live? Would you like a simple way to invest in the lives of college students? Imagine what God could do as you step in faith and pray for Godโ€™s love, peace, healing, freedom, and wisdom to be present on their college campus through a prayer walk. Use this resource to begin your prayer-walking journey today.

Prayers for Nations and Leaders: A Guide to Intercessory Prayer for World Nations and Those in Authority

โ€œI urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleโ€” for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holinessโ€ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV). 

As you read the headlines from around the world, it is evident our world needs prayerโ€”especially those in leadership positions. Use this prayer tool as a starting point for praying for the nations and leaders of the world.

Transform Your Neighborhood with Prayer: A 30-Day Guide to Praying Through Your Community

Do you want to make a difference in your community? Would you like to build relationships with your neighbors? Even have spiritual conversations with them? 

We want to help, by giving you a simple and powerful next stepโ€”prayer. 

Our Praying Through Your Neighborhood eBook includes three practical resources to transform 30 days and even your neighborhood walks into an ongoing conversation with the Lord about His heart for those who live nearby. 

Click the link below to grab your free copy of the Praying Through Your Neighborhood eBook today!

Fasting and Prayer

Fasting is giving up something for a period of time so you can focus more on seeking God. We see examples in Scripture of people seeking God, His favor, and guidance through setting aside time to fast and pray (Exodus 34:28, Ezra 8:23, Matthew 4:2). 

Have you wondered what this would look like in your life? Do you desire to hear from God and want to create more space to hear Him? Here are some tools you may find helpful.

Seeking Answers Through Fasting and Prayer

Wondering what fasting could look like in your life? Alice encouraged Marlyd to gather others to fast and pray together for a specific purpose. See how this example of fasting and prayer could be implemented in your life.

How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People, by Pete Greig

How to Pray is a raw, real, and relevant look at prayer for everyoneโ€”from the committed follower of Jesus to the skeptic and the scared. Full of biblically sound wisdom, How to Pray will offer honest encouragement and real-life methods to refresh your spirit and help you practice life-giving and life-changing prayer.

Praying Through: Overcoming the Obstacles that Keep Us from God, by Jarret Stevens

Whether youโ€™re new to prayer, or God seems silent, or youโ€™re grieving a loss, or you need direction, or youโ€™re feeling grateful and donโ€™t know how to express itโ€”you donโ€™t have to let these obstacles keep you from God.

Praying Over Godโ€™s Promises: The Lost Art of Taking Him at His Word, by Tom Yeakley

Praying over Godโ€™s Promises will break down the strongholds of unbelief that often choke believers and help them discover afresh the greatness of Godโ€™s faithfulness.

How to Have a Quiet Time, by Warren and Ruth Myers

If you have trouble maintaining a consistent quiet time, this booklet will help. Learn how to make spending quiet time with the Lord an important priority in your daily life.

The Pray! Prayer Journal: Daily Steps Toward Praying Godโ€™s Heart, by Dean Ridings

This prayer-focused journal includes Scripture, a daily Bible reading plan, space to record the names of those you want to pray for, and monthly sections to record insights. With 12 Scripture-based prayer guides, 48 devotional readings, and 12 prayers for your spiritual growth, The Pray! Prayer Journal is a unique way to grow your communication with God.

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