Topical Memory System (TMS)

If you want to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure what to memorize or how, this system is the perfect launch point to begin hiding God’s Word in your heart. It’s simple and easy-to-use — and will help you memorize key verses that point to basic truths and important instruction.

The Topical Memory System (TMS) was developed by The Navigators as a clear, simple, proven way to meditate on key Bible verses.

Memorizing Scripture, will help you experience:

  • Freedom from Anxiety – Writing God’s promises on your heart helps you live in God’s perfect presence.
  • Triumph Over Temptation – Scripture memory makes the sword of the Spirit readily available for your battle against sin.
  • Confidence in Witnessing – Share the Gospel effectively with friends, family, and neighbors using verses you know by heart.
  • Spiritual Strength – Sense God’s presence moment by moment and trust Him more deeply to meet the needs and opportunities that arise each day.

Below is a list of the five pivotal topics addressed in the Topical Memory System. By using the TMS course workbook and memory cards available from NavPress as your guide, you can memorize, review, and meditate on these 60 verses in just 30 weeks.

A: Living The New Life

Christ the Center2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 2:20
Obedience to ChristRomans 12:1John 14:21
The Word2 Timothy 3:16Joshua 1:8
PrayerJohn 15:7Philippians 4:6,7
FellowshipMatthew 18:20Hebrews 10:24,25
WitnessingMatthew 4:19Romans 1:16

B: Proclaiming Christ

All Have SinnedRomans 3:23Isaiah 53:6
Sin’s PenaltyRomans 6:23Hebrews 9:27
Christ Paid the PenaltyRomans 5:81 Peter 3:18
Salvation is not by WorksEphesians 2:8,9Titus 3:5
Must Receive ChristJohn 1:12Revelation 3:20
Assurance of Salvation1 John 5:13John 5:24

C: Reliance On God’s Resources

His Spirit1 Corinthians 3:161 Corinthians 2:12
His StrengthIsaiah 41:10Philippians 4:13
His FaithfulnessLamentations 3:22,23Numbers 23:19
His PeaceIsaiah 26:31 Peter 5:7
His ProvisionRomans 8:32Philippians 4:19
His Help in TemptationHebrews 2:18Psalms 119:9,11

D: Being Christ’s Disciple

Put Christ FirstMatthew 6:33Luke 9:23
Separate From the World1 John 2:15,16Romans 12:2
Be Steadfast1 Corinthians 15:58Hebrews 12:3
Serve OthersMark 10:452 Corinthians 4:5
Give GenerouslyProverbs 3:9,102 Corinthians 9:6,7
Develop World VisionActs 1:8Matthew 28:19,20

E: Growth In Christlikeness

LoveJohn 13:34,351 John 3:18
HumilityPhilippians 2:3,41 Peter 5:5,6
PurityEphesians 5:31 Peter 2:11
HonestyLeviticus 19:11Acts 24:16
FaithHebrews 11:6Romans 4:20,21
Good WorksGalatians 6:9,10Matthew 5:16

Click here to download a sample of the Topical Memory System!

Get the Topical Memory System

The Topical Memory System (TMS) and its sibling edition, the Topical Memory System: Life Issues, are proven ways to effectively commit Scripture to memory. The TMS focuses on how to live a life of Christ-focused, assured discipleship, and the TMS: Life Issues focuses on significant, relevant issues that face us on the road through life, such as anger, dealing with sin, suffering, and knowing God’s will.

Order the complete Topical Memory System from NavPress (including workbook, pocket-sized memory verse cards and verse card holder) for yourself or as a gift for those you are discipling.

Additional Languages

The Topical Memory System, as well as adaptations, are available in the following languages:

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  1. I memorized the TMS in college in the late 1970’s. It has had a profound impact on my life and thousands of others thru me. As a Christian Science Teacher I created a scripture memory program for our K4-8th graders. Before that time each teacher picked a verse of the week and the kids including mine forgot it by the next week. My system was based on my experience with the TMS and sports. Each grade had to memorize 8 new verses a year and review 8 verses from the previous year. The end of each year the student would recite 16 verses to earn their class pin. The pin went on a school letter similar to a sports program. There was also a half way award of 40 verses said at one time and then 80 verses said at one time for special awards. Many students over the years and parents memorized and commented on the impact God’s memorized word had on their life. I highly recommend memorizing the TMS.

  2. We studied the TMS over 30 years ago and the impact it has on my life to this day is astronomical. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to “hide the Word of God in their heart.”

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