Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for many college students during the summer is deciding how best to pack the most fun, adventure and self-improvement into the three short months that make up that short intermission from class. And for students that want to continually grow stronger in their faith, the summer—you’re away from your community of friends, Bible studies have slowed, and the days are long—many find themselves quickly growing lukewarm.
But what if summer could be a time not to stagnate in life, but to grow deeper and live more fully? That is the heartbeat of Navigators Summer Training Programs (STP).
STP is a summer opportunity created to gather together like-minded, believing college students to stoke the fire of passion for God as they do Kingdom work all over the country. Students experience two months of deep Biblical study, personal discipleship and Christ-centered volunteer assignments.
From adventure and volunteer work at the Snow Mountain Ranch in Winter Park, Colorado, to the fast-paced set-up and evangelism at the Spirit West Coast festival in Del Mar, California, a summer spent in a Navigator Summer Training Program will have life-long impact.