The Jerry Bridges Book List

Navigator author Jerry Bridges passed away March 6, 2016, and is remembered as someone who clearly presented deep spiritual truth, impacting millions with his books. More than 20 books bear Jerry’s name. Some are a “remix” of previously published material. Some are no longer in print. But the list demonstrates the breadth of Jerry’s publishing legacy.

“When Jerry Bridges speaks, I listen. His teaching on holiness is not an abstraction; it is an expression of a passion that has gripped his life and ministry.”

R.C. Sproul

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Jerry Bridges Book List

The Pursuit of Holiness, NavPress 1978

“The Pursuit of Holiness is a modern classic. This is surely one of the most important books produced in the past fifty years.” – John Macarthur

The Practice of Godliness, NavPress 1983

True Fellowship (later revised as True Community), NavPress 1985

The Crisis of Caring, P&R 1987

Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, NavPress 1988

You Can Trust God, NavPress 1989

Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love, NavPress, 1991

The Discipline of Grace, NavPress 1994

The Joy of Fearing God, Waterbrook 1999

I Exalt You, O God, Waterbrook, 2001

I Will Follow You, O God, Waterbrook 2001

I Give You Glory, O God, Waterbrook 2002

The Gospel for Real Life: Turn to the Liberating Power of the Cross . . . Every Day, NavPress 2002

Growing Your Faith: How to Mature in Christ, NavPress 2004

The Fruitful Life: The Overflow of God’s Love Through You, NavPress 2006

Is God Really in Control?, NavPress 2006

Respectable Sins, NavPress 2007

The Great Exchange (Bob Bevington coauthor), Crossway 2007

Holiness Day by Day [devotional], NavPress 2008

The Bookends of the Christian Life (Bob Bevingon coauthor) Crossway 2009

The Transforming Power of the Gospel, NavPress 2012

Who Am I? Identity in Christ, Cruciform Press 2012

True Community (a revision of True Fellowship), NavPress 2012

31 Days Toward Trusting God, NavPress 2013

God Took Me by the Hand, NavPress 2014

The Blessing of Humility, NavPress 2016

“The writings of Jerry Bridges are a gift to the church.”

Max Lucado


    1. Shelly, “Pursuit of Holiness” is available at You can click the link above to purchase either the print or ebook version. We pray it blesses you!

  1. As a close friend of Jerry‘s, I know that Jerry wrote in such a way as he believed the Lord was teaching him in his progressive sanctification. In light of this, I would read the books as they were written. – Chris

  2. I have several of his books (some electronic, some physical). Is there a recommended order in which to read them? Thanks.

    1. Hi Lara! Thanks for commenting. While much of his work covers thematically similar subject matter none of Jerry Bridges’ books belong to a series.

  3. I have the book “The Joy of Fearing God” in English, and I would like to find it in French, as I’m a missionary in Chad (a French-speaking African country), and I think it would be helpful for the people I work with. Every French Christian bookstore I’ve looked at either doesn’t have it, or it is out of stock. Where can I find copies of the French translation – “La Joie de Craindre Dieu”? (By the way, thanks for translating so many of these good books into French!)

    1. Hi Anna! Thank you for your message. We’re not seeing it available anywhere either! While many of Jerry’s books are published by NavPress his book “The Joy of Fearing God” was published by WaterBrook Press. Perhaps they would be able to assist you in your search.

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