Grow as a Disciplemaker: Meet God in His Word
Observation is an important first step in studying the Bible. The point is to observe carefully what the verses are saying before moving on to interpretation or application. Continue Reading
Abiding Growth: How Community Influences Your Spiritual Impact
Cultivate a deeper understanding of John 15, abiding growth, and how the body of Christ influences your spiritual impact through this Bible study. Continue Reading
Struggling with Fear? Find Hope in God’s Word
Are you struggling with fear? When we take hold of God's love, His nearness, and His sovereignty, then we have the courage to fight fear. Continue Reading
Spiritual Training for Life’s Challenges
Use this Bible study to discover how spiritual training can prepare you and those you’re discipling for the journey ahead. Continue Reading
How to Have a Daily Quiet Time
Most Christians firmly believe in the importance of spending daily time in God’s Word and in prayer, yet, so many of us struggle to do either consistently. Continue Reading
How to Study The Bible
As we grow in Christ, it's important that we learn how to study the Bible for ourselves and not depend solely on the instruction of others. Continue Reading
How to Memorize Scripture
If you or a friend are inspired to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure where to start, this resource is the perfect launching point to begin “hiding God’s Word in your heart” (Psalm 119:11). Continue Reading
The 5 R’s: Plan a Daily Appointment with God
Want to spend time with God but not sure where to start? These five R’s offer solid principles to get going. Continue Reading
The Navigator Bible Studies Handbook
Discover the underlying principles for doing inductive Bible study, as well as some of the specific, time-tested methods of Bible study that The Navigators have used for over 60 years. Continue Reading
LifeChange Bible Study Series
This classic Navigators Bible study series focuses on studying books of the Bible to help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God's Word. Continue Reading