Family Reconciliation: Good News Lived Out in Kenya
Rebekah's family was ravaged by conflict, disownment, hatred, and jealousy. But her faith, along with God's grace, restored their ties.… Continue Reading
As You Go, Make Disciples
Lloyd was injured, restricted to bed rest, and God provided an opportunity for Life-to-Life discipleship with Ray, his physical therapist.… Continue Reading
Providence and Provision
Through God's providence and provision, Julie was able to keep her home. Now she uses it to bless others, like a young woman named Dahlia.… Continue Reading
Following Jesus: Taking the Next Step
Kenedee, a student at the University of Missouri, filled out a survey saying she was interested in Bible study. Now, she's leading her own.… Continue Reading
How Our Core Values Reflect Dr. King’s Dream
Wanda Anderson unpacks how The Navigators Core Values reflect the desired outcomes of the civil rights struggle in the 1950s and 1960s.… Continue Reading
Disciplemaking in Heart Language and Culture
When Pastor Melvin needed help with disciplemaking, Alex Mata came alongside to show him how to disciple in heart language and culture.… Continue Reading
The Impact of Life-to-Life® Discipleship
At Fort Bliss, Texas, two women experience the love of God through Life-to-Life disciplemaking and, in turn, impact others at their post.… Continue Reading
All About Generations
Elliot Teague's passion for discipleship is contagious, and he is using his passion to make disciples through his home church.… Continue Reading
New Life and New Year’s Traditions
After giving his life to Christ, Lui saw the love of Christ transform his family. The new life in him has led to new traditions.… Continue Reading
Ordinary Relationships: Being Good News to Your Neighbors
John and Steff Linder of Navigators Neighbors in Oregon find seemingly ordinary ways to connect with others - and share the love of Christ.… Continue Reading