Topic: Discipleship

Peter Trautmann with student NYC Navigators Collegiate The Navigators

Adulting 101

Peter Trautmann (NYC Navigators Collegiate ministry) shares how he is helping seniors prepare for life outside of college with #Adulting101.… Continue Reading
A Seat At God's Table The Navigators College students sitting in cafeteria style room alone at separate tables loneliness epidemic

A Seat at God’s Table

Through community-focused ministry and their 10:10 teams, Penn State Navigators are reaching a generation desperate for connection.… Continue Reading

Branching Out for the Gospel

Mike Darnell of the Navigators Military ministry has seen the fruit of the ministry branch out to transform the lives of many others.… Continue Reading
Acquired Passion The Navigators Navigators Military Navigators Community

Acquired Passion

A friendship that bloomed with marinated olives cultivates a passion for God's word and making disciples in Boston.… Continue Reading
Small Beginnings Big Impact The 2:7 Series Impact India

Small Beginnings, Big Impact

Dr. Alexander George shares how The 2:7 Series helped him grow in his own walk with God, as well as bring others closer to Him.… Continue Reading
sowing seeds of the gospel in Spain the Navigators

Sowing the Seeds of the Gospel

When Jack Blanch returned to Spain after 30 years, he was overwhelmed with how God has continued his work through his Navigators ministry.… Continue Reading
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