Transforming the World: Multiplying Disciplemakers
Segundo was an extreme political activist in Spain when he met The Navigators. Now he serves Christ and established a network of churches.… Continue Reading
Transforming Grace: Living out the Gospel
Victor and Natasha Padilla had a rocky start to their marriage but have seen eternal transformation through the love of God.… Continue Reading
Signs of Life: ASL interpreter comes to Christ
Morgan, a student at UNF, began attending NavNights to fulfill a program requirement. But she did not expect to fulfill a deeper longing.… Continue Reading
Relying on God and Investing in Others
After attending a Bible study at Penn State, a student named Emily came to understand that self-reliance is no replacement for God-reliance.… Continue Reading
Following Jesus: Change in the Neighborhood
When Theresa decided to follow Christ, Karen came alongside her through Life-to-Life discipleship. Now, her neighborhood is changing too.… Continue Reading
Meet the Akers – University of Oklahoma
Samuel and Anna Akers with Navigators Collegiate at the University of Oklahoma, share how God has been working in their lives and on campus.… Continue Reading
Spreading the Good Infection
Doug Nuenke shares a lesson from spending time with his granddaughter and what it looks like to spread the "good infection" for Christ.… Continue Reading
Saying Yes to Jesus: Generations of Disciplemaking
Kim said yes when Debbie asked if she wanted to go out for lunch. That yes became the yes to following Jesus which transformed her life!… Continue Reading
Guard Down for God – Vulnerability in Discipleship
When Jenni Holder began meeting with Sarah, they discovered vulnerability can be the key to effective and transformative discipleship.… Continue Reading
Fruitful Disciplemaking
Diane Linger of Columbus, Ohio is intentional about building into the lives of women she disciples, so they can create more disciples.… Continue Reading