Topic: Evangelism

three people reading Bibles

Atlanta: Five Contexts, One Goal

When the Atlanta Navs launched Collegiate Navs and Nav20s ministries two years ago, there was one goal: spiritual generations. Today, with … Continue Reading

Reaching the Workplace

Billy Graham once said that he believed one of the next great movements of God would come through believers in the workplace. That’s not … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

All In for All Nations

What drove Jesus from heaven to earth was His heart for people from every tribe, tongue, and nation,” says Mark Lewis, director of The … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

When Compassion Hurts

Sometimes its hard to have compassion. But I think I caught a glimpse of how His heart breaks when He looks at those who have no hope.… Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

The Ministry of Driving Around

We regularly open our home to these kids for Bible study.  But who knew that God would lead us into a "ministry of driving around"?… Continue Reading
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