The Cross: Why All the Fuss About Easter?
Three highlights about the importance of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus to focus on as you approach Easter.… Continue Reading

Does the Message of the Gospel Really Work?
Walking through life with Tom forced Matt to see a bigger Gospel, how God can transform people’s lives and use the broken parts of their … Continue Reading

Ministering to International Students Through the Christmas Story
International students at Georgia Tech may have never heard anything about Jesus or any stories from the Bible. These students are full of … Continue Reading

Meeting Jesus in a Foreign Setting
International Student Ministry (ISM) focuses on building relationships and pointing students toward Jesus. Many international students have … Continue Reading

The Importance of Being Good Neighbors
As we plant ourselves and band together with other believers as neighbors in our communities, we become a faithful presence right where we … Continue Reading

Jesus Came to Give Life and Peace
“I want my son to become like you or someone else from the church!” stated Amal’s* father, a Middle Eastern immigrant. This invitation… Continue Reading

Physical Darkness into Spiritual Light: When Amber Met Jesus
What would you do if a young woman who is blind sat down next to you as you were discussing the story of Jesus healing a blind man?… Continue Reading

Being a Missionary Where You Are
God sent us as “missionaries” right where we live, work, and play, crossing many boundaries to bring others the hope of Jesus.… Continue Reading

Uncertain Spirits
By working, living, and engaging in their community, NavMissions staff in Buddhist areas are visibly demonstrating the love and care of … Continue Reading

Missions Needs Healthy Laborers
The need in missions is for healthy laborers who can serve long-term and bring the life of the Gospel to a world in desperate need.… Continue Reading