Topic: Prayer

Woman praying with Bible on her lap

Prayer Requests

We are here for you and want to pray for you during this time. Your prayer requests will be kept confidential. Please submit your prayer … Continue Reading
How to Pray | The Navigators | two women reading and study bible in home and pray together

How to Pray

Prayer is a conversation between you and God. Sounds simple, but sometimes we need encouragement to grow our passion for prayer. Experience the life-giving and life-changing power of prayer! Continue Reading

Listening to His Voice

If we listen too often to the world around us, or dive into doing what we think we should be doing, we can get off track.… Continue Reading
Bringing God Into Every Situation | The Navigators | Doug Neunke | two women sitting at a table having a discussion

Bringing God into Every Situation

Prayer is to spiritual life in God as blood flow is to physical life—but when we turn prayer into just a task we lose the full benefit.… Continue Reading