Remembering Ron Nikaido
The Navigators Veteran Navigator Ron Nikaido passed away on April 29, 2008, following a courageous nine-month battle with cancer. Ron was … Continue Reading

Phyllis Robertson, Longtime Navigator, Goes Home
After a lifetime of devotion and service to God through The Navigators, Phyllis Robertson, 84, passed away November 26, 2007, in Fort Worth,… Continue Reading

A Glen Eyrie Legacy
Lindy Wiseman The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, and that of your children forever because you have … Continue Reading

Free Indeed: Remembering Lester Spencer
July 4, 2006 was a day of freedom for Lester Spencer, one of the first Navigators, who went home to be with His Lord on Independence Day.… Continue Reading

Marine ‘Preacher’ Dies in Mid-East Conflict
Gene and Marilyn Smith recently received the sad news that one of the men with whom they had worked died while serving his country in … Continue Reading

A Tribute to Bob Seifert
For more than 50 years, Bob Seifert made disciples for Christ as part of the Navigator ministry. On Sept. 9, 2005, he went home to be with … Continue Reading

A Tribute to Lorne Sanny
Dr. Lorne Sanny, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, died March 28 of complications of pneumonia after several … Continue Reading

A Tribute to Lila Mae Trotman
Lila Mae Trotman, wife of Navigators founder Dawson Trotman and a key participant in the ministry over seven decades, died on October 27, … Continue Reading